Thursday, January 22, 2015

Yearly Horoscope For Aquarius

Jupiter is at the top of your chart all year, which means you are firmly in control of your own world for 2015, Water Child. Have you been feeling like a wallflower since last year? The celestial bodies see a sudden uprise of prominence in your social sector for the coming annum. You will meet a lot of genuine people who will help you find your way along the road that you have been lost in. In the first few months of 2015, you may find yourself contemplate a lot about the future - Where do you want to be a year from now? How about five years from now? Where do you envision yourself in ten years from now? These may seem like important questions to you, Aquarius, as you have been anxious about your future, but there will come a time when you realize that the bigger and far more important question you have to ask yourself is where you want to be right now. Sometimes when we think we know what we want to do in the years ahead, we overlook the present. Always remind yourself to immerse in the current moment.

Saturn in fiery Sagittarius supports you, and any nervousness is very unlikely to show in your appearance or how you present yourself. In the first few months of the year, there will come a challenge running wild in your household, very likely a matter concerning the financial look. You are not the type to express distress to others, Aquarius, even when you are sitting with them by the seaside chugging down a whole bottle of cheap wine, because you would rather pull down the sleeve to cover the heart you hang there like it is a humiliating scar and beat yourself up over it. But it will soon be over and done with and it would be a waste of your life to spend it lamenting what others have that you do not. Spend more time reveling in the small blessings and enchanting moments. While others are spending a night in a hotel of five or six stars, you are surrounded by people you value a lot under the skies of five, six billion stars.

Mercury and Venus in Aquarius oppose Jupiter and anchor your chart for the year. Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius, bringing you closer to the people you left out in the previous years. You are not typically a homebody, Water Child, you had been becoming distant from others due to the events happened in the past. The most cliché saying that everything happens for a reason is in fact the truest. For these few years you have become a more defensive being who does not accept ideas out of your comfort zone. This explains why no matter how hard you try to look for the fixed patterns of happenstance, it just does not seem reasonable. When you look for signs, you find them, just not in the places you want them to be. Sometimes these signs are the real thing. Sometimes they are contrived by your hope and imagination and even your fear. It is often hard to tell them apart. It is not possible to tell you to not go searching for it, obstinate child. But if you do, try not to read meaning into every odd circumstance you happen upon. It will come to you unexpectedly. Remain kind, considerate and gracious and you will learn what you need to know and it will all begin to make sense.

The days when Mars conjuncts Neptune, with the Moon in hard-working Capricorn, can work magic for you. What you want is out there, and it is looking for you, Aquarius. You have been keeping up with your hard work for quite a long time now, and you will be able to reap what you sown. Just because you took longer than others does not mean you failed. You are a water sign and everything about you is fluid. Your thoughts may be flowing in scattered directions as you try to figure out what to do. But Aquarius children always allow themselves to mentally wander along the stream until obvious solutions come to them. Keep this in mind, Water child, as it will help you in the future of being able to see obstacles in a new way. What seems like a troublesome barrier to success is perceived to be more of an opportunity in your eyes. And this is a merit you should take great pride in.

The Lunar North Node has brought you blessings in a romantic encounter. Are you scared of commitment, Aquarius? A part of you is nodding to the question while another part of you wants to belong to someone. You have been thinking too much of it. You have been telling yourself that you do not deserve what you once were devastated by. Or that somehow you are guiltily convinced that you do not have much left to give to this person. This is why whenever someone crosses paths with you or try to catch up with your pace, you only find yourself running faster and faster, not willing to stop or stay put, as it has brought you pain in the past doing so. However, Water Child, you need to listen more carefully to that little voice in your head that is telling you to slow down. You are never not enough to give. If you can love the wrong person so hard, just imagine how much you can love the right one this time. Speaking the language of emotion is almost effortless for you, and your world will be flooded with it. Communicating with this special person who has walked into your life will seem easier than you think. Do not fabricate it, Aquarius, stay true to yourself and who you say you are. Follow your gut when it comes to approaching this endeavor, and if you let yourself rush through it, you may have to start from square one. We all make mistakes in our lives and meet the wrong people who make us believe the otherwise. They will not matter anymore, as you had picked up your pieces before 2015 even started. The bridges you burnt will light your way.