Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Upside Down

He said it was like being trapped in the Upside Down
Cold saltiness leaked from the ceiling
and dripped onto his forehead in his sleep
Birds flew under his feet and the sun never rose
People there were impervious to sea water
and human perplexity
And the only way to make sense of his existence
was to lose sense of all existing meanings

I told him it was like being trapped in the Upside Down
Tears fell from Heaven often in April
and too much of it could flood an entire village
Fish lived in the unfathomable and if we went in too deep it would kill us
People here were impervious to sea water
and human perplexity
And the only way to comprehend the purpose of life
was to let go a little of the purpose of life

We've been to each other's Upside Down
with the meanings of our own Upside Down in our suitcases
We are made of these very small moments
that happened in our own and each other's worlds,
every one of them an escape
that saves us from the wounded place we live in

Perhaps there's a cliff at the end of both our worlds
that when we jump we would fly
and meet each other in the middle of two ends
where gravity exists in all directions
where everything finally makes sense
where the only thing I would drown in is his eyes